Geocaching at Crowley

Geocaching is a hi-tech treasure hunting game that is played by using GPS-enable devices to find hidden containers hidden all around the world. There are almost 2 million geocaches hidden around the world which are sought out by almost 5 million geocachers, membership is free. To learn more about the sport and how to get inviolved visit the geocaching website at :

Crowley Museum and Nature Center (CMNC) is a non profit nature and pioneer history center located on 190 acres of native land adjacent to the Myakka River in Sarasota County. You can get directions, fees, and learn more about Crowley by visiting their website at :

Crowley is home to a series of geocaches hidden throughout the facility to offer geocachers a tour of the facility. There is a full sized bonus geocache that you need to find all caches in the series to obtain the coordinates for, and a cache hidden at the entrance in case you are passing by outside of their operating hours. NEVER ATTEMPT TO FIND GEOCACHES INSIDE CROWLEY OUTSIDE OF THEIR OPERATING HOURS.

The series of 8 caches can be found in any order you wish so in no way consider this list in the order you need to find them. They are in the order I would recommend but wander as you see fit. When you find the caches in the series you will find a marker inside the caches with a letter on it. Note the initials of the cache and the letter on the marker and keep track of them or you will find yourself having to backtrack in order to find the bonus cache. Be sure to replace the markers and securely rehide the caches to keep them fun for everyone.

The titles below are hyperlinks to the specific geocaches. Also note that you will hike around 5 miles in order to get all these caches so bring along some water and bug spray and sun screen would be helpful, too. This is wilderness walking along boardwalks and thru woods so keep an eye out for poison ivy, snakes, spiders and other of Florida's natural residents. NEVER DIG, DESTROY OR DAMAGE ANYTHING ATTEMPTING TO FIND A CACHE. Leave nothing but footprints and a signed log. And bring your camera along, worth the effort.

Tatum School – Crowley TS - GCZKPC - This cache is located near the restoration project for the Old Tatum Schoolhouse. This is the oldest surviving schoolhouse in Sarasota County, the Tatum Ridge Schoolhouse was built circa 1905 on Tatum Blvd, just north of today’s Kennedy Lane. In the late 1940s, no longer needed as a school, the building was moved and renovated to create two units for migrant farmer housing. In 2000, the abandoned schoolhouse was moved to the Center to preserve its important place in Florida pioneer history.

Learning Center – Crowley LC - GCZKPE - This cache is located near the Learning Center at Crowley that is home to many of the wonderful educational programs that are held at Crowley throughout the year. The Learning Center is a nice screened in facility with many amenities including restrooms which can come in handy on a long day on the trails.

Iris Walk – Crowley IW - GCZKPG - This cache is located on the newly cleared Iris Walk at the southern most part of the Crowley grounds. There are beautiful oaks and hammocks in this area and a nice area at the end where you can relax on a bench and enjoy your surroundings.

Indian Field – Crowley IF - GCZKPK - This cache is located along part of the self-guided walk on the Pine Level Trail. This trail is an authentic portion of the wagon trail pioneer settlers used to travel from Pine Level, then the county seat, to the coastal settlement of Braidentown (today's Bradenton). The Pine Level Trail is a preserved piece of history within the Center, allowing visitors to walk a portion of the trail just as the pioneers once did.

Initialed Here – Crowley IH - GCZKPH - This cache is located at a nice covered resting area along the 2000 ft. Boardwalk, which traverses Maple Branch Swamp and the Tatum Sawgrass Marsh. A comfortable elevated walkway, the boardwalk allows visitors to enjoy the sights and sounds of the swamp without getting their feet wet and without harming delicate life below. Benches placed at comfortable intervals allow for rest, quiet contemplation, and wildlife viewing.

River Tower – Crowley RT - GCZKPF - This cache is located at the Observation Tower. This is a two story observation tower at the end of the boardwalk is a favorite spot for birders, providing a panoramic view of the marsh with the Myakka River in the distance. During the early summer, visitors can enjoy the vast stretch of blooming swamp hibiscus that fills the marsh with soft pink. In the winter months, guests often find white pelicans, roseate spoonbills and wood storks by the river. Flying overhead, one can observe bald eagles, red shouldered hawks, ospreys and other birds of prey.

Marsh Feathers – Crowley MF - GCZKPD - This cache is located near the small series of walkway bridges that pass over Crowley Creek who’s quiet crystal clear waters wind around the marsh land areas of the park. There have been many a creature spotted in this area so a few geocachers won’t change the scenery.

At The End of Cowpath Lane - GC179ET - When heading from the marsh area at Crowley back to the boardwalk, a little flattened pathway trail lead away from the main path. THIS CACHE IS NOT PART OF THE CACHE SERIES BUT I HIGHLY RECOMMEND CHECKING THIS SPOT OUT.

By The Boardwalk – Crowley BB - GCZKPM - This cache is located nearer the office area on the new section of the 2000 ft. Boardwalk, which traverses Maple Branch Swamp and the Tatum Sawgrass Marsh. A comfortable elevated walkway, the boardwalk allows visitors to enjoy the sights and sounds of the swamp without getting their feet wet and without harming delicate life below. Benches placed at comfortable intervals allow for rest, quiet contemplation, and wildlife viewing. This was PF’s favorite hiding spot and we enjoyed placing this one just right.

These caches are not part of the series :

Call of Crowley - GCZKPB - This is the bous cache for the caches at Crowly and is not at the coordinated listed on this page. You must find all the 8 series caches and record the marker tag information in order to find the actual coordinates for this caceh.

Crowley’s Treasures - GCXAY5 - This is accessible without entering the museum grounds so it can be found outside of operating hours. If you just seek the cache be sure not to block the drive when you park, be sure to use stealth if muggles be about and hide back as well as you found it.

If you have problems with any cache in the series be sure to stop in the Crowley office as they can offer some help on finding the caches or snagging the bonus cache.

To report problems with any of the caches be sure to drop me an email and let me know so we can keep this fun for everyone.

Scott - infiniteMPG -